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Staff scientist position

An-Ping Hsia hsia at iastate.edu
Wed Jan 24 17:26:27 EST 2001

Staff Scientist position available in Schnable Lab at Iowa State University

One opening is immediately available for an Assistant Scientist
position in the MicroArray Facility of Plant Science Institute at
Iowa State University (http://www.plantsciences.iastate.edu/).
Duties include to conduct protocols related to project goals, keep a
steady supply of maize microarray chips, interact with facility users
and computer support staff to provide training and services, survey
and evaluate new technologies related to the field and implement
protocols based on the analysis, ensure proper maintenance of
equipment and update of application software.

Required: Master's degree in biology, genetics or a related field and
two years of relevant professional experience.  Substantial
experience in molecular biology techniques and motivation for
advancement in the field.

**Experience with Genomics research and technologies is desired but
not required.

Submit letter of application, resume, and the names and contact
information of at least three references to Dr. An-Ping Hsia, the
Schnable Lab Manager at hsia at iastate.edu.  ISU is an EO/AA employer.

*Iowa State University has recently announced an $80 million gift to
the College of Agriculture and has also established the Plant Science
Institute that houses several research centers including the Center
for Plant Genomics.


An-Ping Hsia, Ph.D.				Tel#: 515-294-8563
Lab Manager, Schnable Lab			Fax#: 515-294-2299
Schnable Lab, B504 Agronomy Hall	 	e-mail:hsia at iastate.edu
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011

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