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Postdoc Position in Arabidopsis Nitrogen Regulatory Networks

Nigel Crawford ncrawford at ucsd.edu
Thu Jun 14 19:39:28 EST 2001

A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Nigel
Crawford in the Division of Biology at Univ. of California at San
Diego to work on regulatory networks that control nitrogen metabolism
in Arabidopsis.  The research will focus on the signal transduction
pathways and regulatory genes that control nitrate uptake and
reduction using molecular genetic approaches and that incorporate
microarray analyses.  An initial microarray analysis of
nitrate-induced genes has been published from our lab showing novel
regulatory and signal transduction genes that are responsive to
Wang, R., K. Guegler, S.T. LaBrie and N.M. Crawford (2000) Genomic
analysis of a nutrient response in Arabidopsis reveals diverse
expression patterns and novel metabolic and potential regulatory
genes that are induced by nitrate. Plant Cell 12: 1491-1510
(Can be downloaded from

Position will start early Fall, 2001.  Candidates should have a Ph.D.
and first-authored publications in internationally recognized
journals.  To apply, please email a CV, statement of research
experience and names of three references (please include email,
address and phone number) to ncrawford at ucsd.edu.

A complete list of publications from the Crawford lab can be viewed at:

Dr. Nigel M. Crawford
Section of Cell & Developmental Biology
Division of Biology, 0116, UCSD
9500 Gilman Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92093
858/534-1637 (Voice/FAX)


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