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Colour of corn kernel

Serge Lassalle serge.lassalle at rustica.tm.fr
Wed Mar 6 12:47:50 EST 2002

Forwarding to the maize net for any explanations or comments.
Ed Coe

serge.lassalle at rustica.tm.fr wrote:


I'm working in France for a seeds company and I'm looking for 
information about red streak on kernel of corn.

I have seen difference on corn milling process between yellow kernel 
and yellow with red streak kernel.

During the process, it's more difficult to take off the pericarp of 
the kernel which have red streak. For the yellow kernel we haven't 
any problem.

If you have explication I'll be very interested.

Thanks you for information.

Serge Lassalle
serge.lassalle at rustica.tm.fr

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