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ear development

VLADIMIR KOTERNIAK koterniak at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 13 13:37:58 EST 2002

Dear Dr. Irish,

According to my analysis the main cause of irregular rowing observed 
on one of analyzed ears (the ear homozygous for o2-hf; Bg-hf, 
containing 245 kernels in 12 rows) is the formation of additional 
spikelets, which are inserted between "the regular" rows. Four such 
separate spikelets were observed on the upper and central part of the 
ear. Three of them appear to be unpaired and one paired. All kernels 
at these spikelets were developed on upper florets.

V. Koterniak

>From: Erin Irish
>To: koterniak at hotmail.com, maize at net.bio.net
>Subject: Re: ear development
>Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 09:28:47 -0800
>>Dear Prof. Coe,
>>Could you please send me a copy of your article 'Clonal analysis of
>>corn plant development. I. The development of the tassel and the
>>shoot' published in Dev Biol. 1983 May; 97(1):154-72. I hope your
>>article will help me to answer some questions arisen under
>>determination of the timing of the rbg reversion from the o2
>>(The data on ear morphology available at the MNL web site (IMP) was
>>very useful for me.) During this analysis I determined the
>>appurtenance of revertant kernels to a particular spikelet by
>>attachment places of revertant kernels and subsequently cutting off
>>spikelet ear tissue remnants. Such a quite simple determination
>>appeared to be more difficult on the ears with 'irregular' rows.
>>of the arising questions is whether the additional spikelets (which
>>provoke row irregularity) always develop as a PAIR of spikelet or
>>not. Do you have any information on this issue?
>>  Thank you in advance. Sincerely yours,
>>  Vladimir V. Koterniak
>>  Senior Research Scientist
>>Maize and Sorghum Research Institute, Pascani, reg. Criuleni 4834,
>>Republic of Moldova
>>E-mail: koterniak at hotmail.com
>Dear Dr. Koterniak,
>  I have examined flower and spikelet development on maize ears
>fairly extensively. In most cases irregular rowing is the result
>the development of the lower floret in each spikelet that is
>suppressed (unlike the tassel where both normally develop). I have
>occasionally observed unpaired spikelets. Flowers from them would
>also result in irregular rowing, but they are, at least in the
>material I look at, very uncommon.
>Erin Irish
>Department of Biological Sciences
>University of Iowa
>Iowa City, Iowa

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