1. Post-doctoral position to investigate the interaction between
Aspergillus flavus and corn at the molecular and cellular level. The
scientist will be responsible for developing immunological methods
for quantifying the amount of A. flavus infection on inoculated ears.
Candidates with experience in molecular biology, immunology, plant
pathology or related plant sciences are encouraged to apply.
2. Post-doctoral position to study the signaling pathway in a novel,
host plant resistance system that leads to the production of a unique
defense protease that accumulates in response to caterpillar feeding
in corn. Applicants with expertise in plant molecular and cellular
biology are encouraged to apply.
Applicants should indicate the position that for which they are
applying. A Ph.D. degree or equivalent is required. Please send CV
and names of three references to Dr. Dawn S. Luthe
(dsluthe at ra.msstate.edu)
Dawn Sywassink Luthe
Professor phone: 662-325-7733
Dept. of Biochemistry fax: 662-325-8664
Box 9650 Miss. State, MS 39762
"Defense strategies in plants have evolved in directions and to
levels of sophistication not seen in animals." Nature, June 12, 2001