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Job advertisement

"Greene, Thomas TW twgreene at dow.com
Thu Oct 3 14:19:23 EST 2002

Dow AgroSciences has the following positions available. Individuals
interested in applying should follow the link at the bottom of the
advertisement. For additional information please see the Oct. 4th issue of

Tom Greene

Thomas W. Greene, Ph.D.
Product Discovery Leader
Agronomic Traits

Dow AgroSciences
9330 Zionsville Rd.
Bldg. 306, 1C
Indianapolis, IN 46268

Phone: 317-337-5956
Fax: 317-337-3228
Email: twgreene at dow.com


Dow AgroSciences LLC, a global leader in providing pest management,
agricultural, and biotechnology products located in Indianapolis, Indiana,
is seeking highly motivated research scientists to fill the following
positions in Discovery Molecular Biology.

Plant Molecular Physiologist (Job Code 0200670): Will be responsible for the
development and implementation of research approaches to characterize
various yield-related parameters. A Ph. D. in Plant Physiology or a related
discipline is required with at least 2 years hands-on experience and
thorough understanding of whole plant physiology and source-sink

Plant Molecular Geneticist (Job Code 0200672): Will be responsible for the
development and implementation of research approaches to enhance oil yield.
A Ph. D. in Plant Molecular Genetics or a related discipline is required
with at least 2 years of experience in oil metabolism.

Molecular Biologist (Job Code 0200674): Will be responsible for the
development and implementation of research approaches to discover and
evaluate output-related traits. A Ph.D. in Molecular Biology or related
discipline is required with at least 2 years experience in characterizing
genes and proteins.

Molecular Biologist (Job Code 0200671): Will be part of a group to discover
and evaluate output-related traits. A Masters Degree in Molecular Biology or
related discipline is required. A Bachelors Degree with 3 years experience
will be considered.

Bioinformatics Scientist (Job Code 0200678): Will lead and implement
bioinformatics projects to develop and integrate sequence and expression
databases and data mining tools. A Ph.D. in Bioinformatics, Molecular
Biology or other related field is required with 3-5 years experience in
development and use of bioinformatics databases and data mining tools.
Dow AgroSciences is an equal opportunity employer offering excellent career
opportunities, as well as competitive compensation and benefits package.

Apply on-line by 10/31/02 to http://www.dowagro.com/careers/index.htm 
and refer to job title and code.

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