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Postdoc position at Penn State

Majid Foolad mrf5 at psu.edu
Wed Oct 23 08:17:06 EST 2002

Postdoctoral Position in Tomato Genetics
Department of Horticulture
Penn State University

A Multidisciplinary project seeking to use contemporary techniques of 
plant molecular biology and conventional protocols of plant genetics 
and breeding to understand genetic bases of agriculturally important 
traits in tomato, and to develop improved genotypes leading to 
commercial cultivars. Traits of particular interest are disease 
resistance, abiotic stress tolerance, and improved fruit quality. The 
project involves genetic mapping, QTL identification, and 
marker-assisted selection and breeding. Seeking an individual with a 
Ph.D. in a plant science discipline with knowledge and experience in 
molecular genetics, a strong record of accomplishment, and an 
interest in crop improvement. Additional experiences in plant disease 
resistance, abiotic stress tolerance, and/or fruit nutritional 
quality are desirable, although the primary responsibility of the 
incumbent will be molecular genetics research. Salary is commensurate 
with qualifications. The position is available immediately. Send 
(preferably via email) a letter of research interest and professional 
goals, a curriculum vitae, and contact information for three referees 
to Dr. Majid Foolad, Department of Horticulture, 217 Tyson Building, 
Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802.  For additional 
information: phone (814) 865-5408 or email: mrf5 at psu.edu.
Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and 
the diversity of its workforce.

Majid R. Foolad, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Plant Genetics
Department of Horticulture
217 Tyson Building
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802 USA
Phone: 814-865-5408
Fax:   814-863-6139
Email: mrf5 at psu.edu
Website: http://hortweb.cas.psu.edu/faculty/foolad/

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