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NOTE: MaizeDB has not yet migrated to MaizeGDB

Mary Polacco PolaccoM at missouri.edu
Sun Jan 26 18:09:31 EST 2003

Hello all maize cooperators,

Please, please please view the MaizeGDB at Ames as a work in progress and
not the most up-to-date or even a completely accurate presentation of the
MaizeDB data stored at Missouri. You still need to go to Missouri for data
that will be most up-to-date.

Interfaces and data access are the main thing to review at the Ames site; I
will be spending some time there over the next few months in my role as
database curator checking on biological integrity issues some of  you have
brought to our attention, and on various curation issues.

Currently, we DO need your feedback so that when the MaizeDB (Missouri) does
transfer to MaizeGDB (Iowa) it will address various concerns of the
community about facile access to maize genome data. Use the feedback form at
the Iowa site, but feel free also to email me or give me a call.

   Most sincerely yours,
   Mary Polacco
   Curator MaizeDB
   573 884 7873
   polaccom at missouri.edu

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