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Project Manager position, Maize Microarray Project

Lou Butler loub at Ag.arizona.edu
Thu Sep 25 18:07:47 EST 2003

The Maize Microarray Project is looking for a Scientific Project Manager
(Assistant Research Scientist) to manage and coordinate a NSF-funded
project involving six investigators at three institutions.  The overall
aim of the project is to provide a comprehensive, public sector resource
for expression analysis in the important crop plant maize (Zea mays
L.).  The specific aims of the project are to: 1) produce  microarrays
comprising 70-mer oligonucleotides representing ~50,000 unique maize
genes and to provide community access via array purchase and a flexible
array hybridization service, both based on a minimal cost recovery
model; 2) provide array data and analysis tools through a
project-specific relational database Zeamage (Zea mays Gene Expression
Database) with links to maize and rice genome annotation; 3) perform
expression profiling with several maize tissues and developmental stages
to provide a comprehensive baseline of data and detailed protocols for
the community; and 4) use NimbleGen arrays to experimentally optimize
the 70-mer oligonucleotides.  The project manager will be responsible
for ensuring that aims 1 and 3 are carried out efficiently and
accurately at Arizona and for coordinating with investigators at the
other universities, who are carrying out aims 2 and 4.  Specific duties
and responsibilities, qualifications, and instructions for applying for
the position are posted on the University of Arizona Human Resources web
site, at: http://www.hr.arizona.edu/27180xfacx.htm.  Please reference
job number 27180 on the application.  Applicants must be eligible to
work in the United States.  The position is located at the University of
Arizona-Tucson.  For further information, contact Vicki Chandler,
chandler at ag.arizona.edu).  THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA IS AN EEO/AA/ADA

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