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Penn State Symposium

Simon Gilroy sxg12 at email.psu.edu
Tue Mar 2 10:17:19 EST 2004

Dear Colleagues,
We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join us for 
the 15th Penn State Symposium in Plant Physiology: Regulation of 
Plant Growth. The symposium will be held May 20-22, 2004, at the Days 
Inn Penn State in State College, PA.

The symposium will feature presentations by internationally renowned 
scientists dealing with themes such as:
* cell wall structure
* the cytoskeleton
* tropisms
* hormone signaling
* evolution

Speakers will include:
Angus Murphy
Maureen McCann
Steve Fry
Simon Turner
Geoff Wastaneys
Bo Liu
ASN Reddy
Daryl Kropf
Laurie Smith
Elison Blancaflor
Edgar Spalding
Patrick Masson
Camille Steber
Mitsuyasu Hasebe
John Bowman

A number of travel awards will be available to help graduate and 
undergraduate students and postdoctoral researchers to attend.

Please visit http://plantphysiology.cas.psu.edu for full details 
about the program and for online registration. We look forward to 
seeing you in May.

Simon Gilroy
Richard Cyr
Teh-hui Kao

Simon Gilroy
Biology Dept
PennState University
814 863 9626

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