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Oct Symposium

Tobias Baskin baskin at bio.umass.edu
Wed May 12 07:26:23 EST 2004

	Here is an announcement of an interesting symposium this 
Autumn. Please pass the word on to anyone who might lbe interested. 
Thanks. TB

	2nd Annual University of Massachusetts Autumn Plant Biology Symposium.

	Satudary, Oct 2nd, 2004.   At Smith College, Northmpton Mass.

	Function  and fate in plants: physiological traits and 
ecological success

	Registration is free and so is lunch!  Register and find 
details at:  http://www.bio.umass.edu/plantbio/symposium04.html


Peter Alpert, UMass Amherst, "Signaling and sharing between connected 
plants within clones"

Frank Berendse, Wageningen Agricultural Uni, The Netherlands, "Soil 
fertility, plant species, and long term community dynamics"

Phil Grime, Sheffield University, UK, "Plant strategy theory:1974 and 2004"

Bill Davies, Lancaster University, UK, "Long distance chemical 
signalling from soil to roots to shoots and the regulation of water 

Peter Reich, Univesity of Minnesota, "Causes and consequences of 
plant functional diversity: from dappled understory to global change"

Johanna Schmitt, Brown University, "Ecological genomics of seasonal 
timing and adaptation to climate in arabidopsis".

	For further info, check that web page or email Tobias Baskin 
(baskin at bio.umass.edu) or Peter Alpert (palpert at bio.umas.edu).
       _      ____          __   ____   
      /  \   /          / \    /   \ \                 Tobias I. Baskin
     /   /  /          /   \   \      \                   Biology Department
    /_ /   __      /__ \   \       \__                611 N. Pleasant St.
   /      /          /       \   \       \           University of Massachusetts
  /      /          /         \   \       \	       Amherst, MA, 01003
/      / ___   /           \   \__/  \ ____        Voice: 413 - 545 - 1533
			          Fax: 413 - 545 - 3243

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