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[Maize] Post-doc positions available

Katrien Devos kdevos at uga.edu
Mon Aug 29 13:26:33 EST 2005

Two two-year postdoctoral positions are available for molecular analyses
of the structure and evolution of the hexaploid wheat genome.  The first
project involves sequence analysis and annotation of over 200 bacterial
artificial chromosome (BAC) clones from Chinese Spring wheat (Position
1).  The aims of the second project are to map the sequenced BAC clones
to Chinese Spring wheat deletion lines and to participate in the
sequence annotation (Position 2).  Salary will be commensurate with
appropriate experience. Parties interested in Position 1 should send a
curriculum vitae, including the names and contact information for at
least three individuals who can provide recommendations, to Jeff
Bennetzen, Department of Genetics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
30602 (maize at uga.edu).  The position is available immediately.
Applications will be reviewed by the first of October, and all
applicants will be contacted soon thereafter.   Parties interested in
Position 2 should send a curriculum vitae, including the names and
contact information for at least three referees, to Katrien Devos, Dept.
of Crop and Soil Sciences and Dept. of Plant Biology, University of
Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 (kdevos at uga.edu).  The position is available
January 1st.  Applications will be reviewed by November 1st, and all
applicants will be notified shortly thereafter.
Katrien M. Devos
Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences, and Dept. of Plant Biology
3111 Miller Plant Sciences Building
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
Tel: (706) 542 0925
Fax: (706) 542 0914
E-mail: kdevos at uga.edu
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