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[Maize] Microarray Data Curator Position Available

Julie Dickerson julied at iastate.edu
Wed Aug 16 15:49:49 EST 2006

PLEXdb Curator (http://www.plexdb.org/modules/PD_general/jobs.php)
Postdoctoral Position
Location: Ames, IA - Iowa State University

Department: Virtual Reality Applications Center, Plant Pathology

Proposed Start Date: As soon as possible

Appointment Conditions: Term, 12 Months, Full Time, Appointment Ending
Special Conditions: Renewal of appointment for up to three years
contingent upon performance.

Description: PLEXdb (www.plexdb.org) – Plant and pathogen microarray
database - is a collaborative project of Iowa State University and NSF to
further develop on-line cyberinfrastructure for the analysis and
interpretation of microarray data. The PLEXdb Curator will be responsible
for working with PLEXdb users when they submit experiments, normalizing
microarray data using R, importing and exporting data to/from GEO and
ArrayExpress. The successful applicant will work closely with a small
local team of database and web programmers and will interact with the
international plant research community. The curator will work to develop
new microarray analysis tools, check for conformation to MIAME standards
and Plant Ontologies, administer the database, and manage communications
with remote investigator groups so that all relevant biological
information from experiments will be incorporated in the database.

Required Qualifications: Ph.D. in plant biology or bioinformatics

Preferred Qualifications: Excellent written and verbal communication
skills. Experience with microarray data analysis and experiment design as
well as familiarity with MIAME standards for microarray experiments. Some
computational experience with bioinformatics programs and the R or SAS
statistical packages.

Salary/Wage: $34,000-40,000, commensurate with experience
Application Deadline: To guarantee consideration, application must be
received by August 31, 2006.

Application Instructions: Send letter of application, resume, curriculum
vitae, and names/phone numbers of references to Julie Dickerson, Associate
Professor, Virtual Reality Applications Center, 2274 Howe Hall, Room 1620,
Ames, IA 50011-2274, or electronically to julied at iastate.edu, please
include PLEXdb in the subject line.

Immigration Reform and Control Act verification will be a condition of
employment. If hired, you must be able to present acceptable documents
that provide proof of your identity and employment eligibility to work in
the United States as required by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of
Iowa State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

Julie Dickerson
Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA

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