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[Maize] Maize Transformation Services at University of Missouri-Columbia

Mary (Polacco) Schaeffer SchaefferM at missouri.edu
Mon Aug 28 17:26:43 EST 2006

(Forwarded from from Dr. Zhanyuan Zhang, zhangzh at missouri.edu, University of

The Plant Transformation Core Facility at the University of
Missouri-Columbia has established a quite efficient Agrobacterium-mediated
maize transformation system using simple binary vectors. The current
transformation efficiency in maize Hi-IIAXB is at least 7%. The time frame
from the start of experiments to getting transgenic seeds is about 7-9
months dependent on seasons. The facility has capacity for servicing
requests from off-campus researchers. Interested groups can contact Dr.
Zhanyuan Zhang, at zhangzh at missouri.edu or visit the facility website at
www.plantsci.missouri.edu/muptcf <http://www.plantsci.missouri.edu/muptcf>
to learn more about process for the service request and pricing information.

Below is a brief summary of per event pricing for academia.
  Off-campus Maize Service -- Per  Event Cost for Academia
    $450   Collaborator or Federal funded
    $450   MU system and Federal funded
    $525   Non-collaborator

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