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[Maize] Fwd: III International Rauischholzhausen Conference

Joern.Pons-Kuehnemann At agrar.uni-giessen.de via maize%40net.bio.net (by Joern.Pons-Kuehnemann At agrar.uni-giessen.de)
Tue Dec 5 11:03:11 EST 2006

Dear Grains mailgroup & Maize newsgroup

can you please foward this info to the list.
Thank you very much in advance Joern


Dear Colleague,

announcement: please find some information for the:

International Workshop in Rauischholzhausen
Analysis of Compatibility Pathways in Plant-Microbe-Interactions
March 4-6, 2007

The general topic of the International Workshop activities held in the 
castle of Rauischholzhausen is “Plant Pathology”. While the 1st 
workshop was focussed on “Durable Resistance” and the 2nd Workshop on 
“Mechanisms of Disease Susceptibility”, the 3rd will center around 
systemic metabolic reprogramming in plants and related bioinformatic 

Progress in genome research and systematic gene function analysis has 
been generated a valuable basis for answering important questions on 
how parasitic and mutualistic fungi interfere with plant physiology and 
signal transduction to get access to host tissue and nutrients. 
Possible factors comprise, for instance, of those which suppress plant 
defence, as well as those which redirect plant metabolism to support 
fungal development.

Participants of the 1st Workshop in 2001 and 2nd Workshop in 2003 
acknowledged the productive though private atmosphere of the 
Rauisch-holzhausen castle facilities. For this reason and because of 
limited space, the 3rd workshop again will be restricted to a limited 
number of highly qualified scientists, who are willing to contribute 
oral or poster presentations and to actively participate in discussions.

The castle of Rauischholzhausen is the conference facility of the 
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen. Besides seminar rooms there is also 
accommodation in the castle itself. The castle is located at the border 
of a village with the same name amidst an impressive scenery near 
Giessen in Germany, approximately 80 km north of Frankfurt (Main). 
Giessen is easily reached by train from Frankfurt central railway 
station, which is closely connected to the Frankfurt airport.

you can find more infos at:


Institute of Phytopathology and Applied Zoology Co-ordinator Prof. Dr. 
K.-H. Kogel
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26-32 D-35392 Giessen Germany
Tel.: ++49 641 99-37490

Workshop Office: Tel: ++49 641 99-37542
Fax: ++49 641 99-37549
E-Mail: for-666 At agrar.uni-giessen.de

best regards
Joern Pons

Joern Pons
Biometry and Population Genetics
Giessen University
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26-32
35392 Giessen
Phone:      +49 641-99-37542
Fax:        +49 641-99-37549
E-Mail:     Joern.Pons At agrar.uni-giessen.de


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