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[Maize] Biotech Traits Detection Workshop

Kaufman, Beni benjamin.kaufman at PIONEER.COM
Wed Mar 1 17:12:51 EST 2006

Biotech Trait Detection Workshop
May 8 -10, 2006
Iowa State University
Seed Science Center
Ames, Iowa

Testing for Adventitious Presence (AP) of biotechnology traits in 
seed and grain became an integral part of crop development, 
production, stewardship and regulation. Presently, government 
regulators, seed companies, grain suppliers, interest groups, 
contract laboratories, and academia are all involved in AP testing. 
Various Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) applications, most 
importantly quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR), emerged as the leading 
methodology used for AP testing. In this workshop we will present and 
discuss the technical and scientific challenges in AP testing and 
provide hands-on training in the current process and PCR 
methodologies utilized for biotech trait detection:

Topics that will be covered include:
   The statistical aspects of sampling and testing design
        1 Management of the samples and data flow
        2 Theory and hands-on experience in:

   Upfront sample processing (DNA isolation, quantification, normalization)
   in low and high throughput environments
       1 Qualitative and quantitative PCR technologies
       2 Data analysis

We will have a round table discussion on quality control issues, and 
hear presentation from leading analysts that will focus on 
characterization of qPCR as a testing tool, challenges in 
interpreting AP testing results, Validation, and ISTA's position, 
experience and activities in the field of biotech trait detection.

Visit http://www.ucs.iastate.edu/mnet/biotechtrait/home.html to 
register and to view complete workshop details!

For more information or questions about program content, contact:

Seed Science Center
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50010
(515) 294.6821 -- Phone
(515) 294.2014 -- Fax

For questions about registration, contact:

University Conference Services
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50010
515.294.6222 -- Phone
515.294.6223 -- Fax
ucs-info at iastate.edu -- E-mail

Benjamin (Beni) Kaufman, PhD
Pioneer Hi-Bred
10700 Justin Dr
Urbandale, IA 50322
Tel: 515-334-6478
Fax: 515-334-6431

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