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[Maize] JOB : Director of INRA Plant Bioinformatics Unit

Johann JOETS joets at moulon.inra.fr
Mon Oct 2 10:44:34 EST 2006

The French National Institute for Agronomical Research (INRA) is looking
for a highly qualified and innovative scientist for the position of

Director of its Plant Bioinformatics Unit 

The Unit has seven permanent staff, with six highly qualified computer
scientists and analysts and one administrative assistant. Several
temporary staff are funded by specific research programs and in
particular the French national genomics initiative Génoplante. The Unit
is presently located in Evry (30 km south of Paris), and will move next
year to the INRA research centre of Versailles. The main missions of the
Unit are:
- to manage an informatics platform with interconnected databases
relative to model and crop plant sequences, expression data, genetic and
physical maps, genetic resources, phenotypic data, etc...
- to set up relevant and user-friendly software and interfaces for high
throughput analysis of data, directed in particular towards the
understanding of genome structure, the identification of genes involved
in trait variation and the prediction of their function, and the
analysis of sequence polymorphism, 
- to develop new concepts and tools for the exploitation of results, in
cooperation with research groups from the Genetics and Plant Breeding,
Plant Biology, Plant Pathology, and the Applied Mathematics and
Informatics Departments of INRA, as well as from other Research
- to organize the training of scientists to bioinformatics tools and
- to monitor the technological development of emerging tools and
concepts in the field of bioinformatics.
Further information on the Unit can be found on the website

The main missions of the director will be:
- to organize and manage the unit, 
- to coordinate the development of software and databases with a
specific attention to their inter-operability in order to facilitate the
development of innovative integrated approaches, taking into account
quality control procedures, 
- to develop the external communication of the Unit, 
- to represent INRA in national and international initiatives related to
plant informatics and its application to plant genetics and breeding,
and to set up a strong cooperation network in the field.

A strong background in bioinformatics and its application to genomics as
well as at least five years experience in the field are needed.
Knowledge of the French language will be positively considered but is
not mandatory.

For further information and application, please contact:
       Dr. Alain Charcosset
       Vice head of INRA Genetics and Plant Breeding Department
       charcos at moulon.inra.fr 
In a first step, applications should include a CV, a list of
publications and a letter explaining briefly how former experience will
be useful for the position. 
Deadline for application is October 15th but earlier application is

Johann JOETS
UMR de Genetique Vegetale
Ferme du Moulon
91 190 Gif sur Yvette France

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