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[Maize] 3rd International Conference of Quantitative Genetics

B Walsh via maize%40net.bio.net (by jbwalsh from u.arizona.edu)
Mon Oct 23 14:16:28 EST 2006

The 3rd International Conference of Quantitative Genetics
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China August 18-24, 2007
The 3rd International Conference on Quantitative Genetics (ICQG3) 
will be held during August 18-24, 2007 hosted by Zhejiang University 
in Hangzhou, China. As with the 1st ICQG in Ames, Iowa in 1976 and 
the 2nd ICQG in Raleigh, North Carolina in 1987, the 3rd Conference 
will be a comprehensive survey of the current status of quantitative 
genetics. New technologies in areas ranging from genomics and 
molecular genetics to statistics are providing both opportunities and 
challenges for our understanding of the genetic basis of quantitative 
traits in natural populations, the evolution of characters, and use 
for plant and animal breeding.
The outline program and list of speakers is appended. The Conference 
will be held in an international hotel, the Dragon Hotel, in the 
downtown of Hangzhou.
Zhejiang University is one of the few top-rank research institutions 
in China. It is a comprehensive institute with a full range of 
disciplines. With a faculty capable of top-level and large-scale 
research and a high proportion of graduate students, the university 
has been undertaking projects, both basic and applied, to address 
pressing issues and challenges of today and of the future.
The City of Hangzhou is one of the seven ancient capital cities of 
China. It has a population of 3.72 million and has a recorded history 
spanning 2100years. Marco Polo described Hangzhou as the "Most 
beautiful, magnificent, and heavenly city in the world." Located in 
China's most developed southeast coastal area, Hangzhou is renowned 
for its thriving economy, colorful culture and beautiful landscape, 
especially its famed West Lake and Tea House.
The Conference welcomes participants to submit contributed papers. 
Only an abstract is needed and is to be submitted at registration for 
the conference. A limited number of contributed papers will be 
selected for oral presentation in an appropriate session of the 
conference. Accompanying persons are also welcomed, and a special 
program for them will be arranged.
Academic Chairs :
Bruce Weir, University of Washington, Seattle, USA 
(mailto:bsweir from u.washington.edu)
William Hill, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK (mailto:w.g.hill from ed.ac.uk)
Junyi Gai, Nanjing Agriculture University, Nanjing, China 
(mailto:sri from njau.edu.cn)
Changqin Wu, China Agriculture University, Beijing, China 
(mailto:sri from njau.edu.cn)
Organizing Chairs:
Jun Zhu, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China (mailto:jzhu from zju.edu.cn)
Zhao-Bang Zeng, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA 
(mailto:zeng from stat.ncsu.edu)
Local Organizer:
Zhejiang University
Invited speakers
Laura Almasy (San Antonio, TX, USA) Linkage analysis for quantitative 
traits using whole genome data
Leif Andersson (Uppsala, Sweden) Genes for quantitative traits in 
domestic animals
Ed Buckler (Ithaca, NY, USA) Dissection of complex traits in maize
Lon Cardon (Oxford, UK) Association mapping of quantitative traits
Andy Clark (USA) Evolutionary quantitative genetics of gene regulatory networks
Mike Goddard (Melbourne, Australia) Genomic selection
Fred Hospital (Gif-sur-Yvette , France) Challenges for effective 
marker assisted selection in plants
Jean-Luc Jannink (Ames, IA, USA) Design and analysis for QTL 
detection in plant populations
Peter Keightley (Edinburgh, UK) Analysis and implications of 
mutational variation
Mark Kirkpatrick (Austin, TX, USA) Evolutionary quantitative genetics
Ning Li (Beijing, China) Genomics in quantitative genetic analysis
Trudy Mackay (Raleigh, NC, USA) The genetic architecture of complex 
behaviours: Lessons from Drosophila
Eric Schadt (Seattle, WA, USA) Reconstructing genetic networks to 
identify subtypes of disease and key regulators of disease and their 
associated network components
Pak Sham (Hong Kong) Application of genome-wide SNP data for 
uncovering pairwise relationships and quantitative trait loci
Daniel Sorensen (Foulum, Denmark) Developments in statistical 
analysis in quantitative genetics
Hamish Spencer (Otago, New Zealand) Effects of genomic imprinting on 
quantitative traits
Peter Visscher (Brisbane, Australia) Utilisation of whole genome 
mapping to partition genetic variation
Bruce Walsh (Tucson, AZ, USA) Quantitative Genetics, version 
3.0:Where have we gone since 1987 (last congress) and where are we 
Zhao-Bang Zeng (Raleigh, NC, USA) Statistical issues of gene 
expression QTL analysis
Qifa Zhang (Wuhan, China) Genetic basis of heterosis in crop plants
Qin Zhang (Beijing, China) QTL mapping in animals
Jun Zhu (Hangzhou, China) Mixed model methods for analyzing complex traits
08/19    Registration and Reception
Academic program
The Conference will run as single sessions. Each session is composed 
of 90 minutes presentation from invited and contributed speakers.
08/20    Conference session (morning and afternoon). Poster session (evening)
08/21    Conference session (morning and afternoon). Poster session (evening)
08/22    Conference session (morning). Tour and culture event 
(afternoon and evening)
08/23    Conference session (morning and afternoon).
08/24    Conference session (morning and afternoon). Conference 
Banquet (evening)
Program for accompany persons
08/20-24           Full- or half- day tours will be offered for each day.
Dec 1 2006, Pre-registration to receive updated program information 
and notification at the conference website.
Feb 1 2007, Registration starts at the conference website.
Apr 1 2007, Close of early online registration and submission of 
abstract for consideration for oral presentation.
Jun 1 2007, Close of registration with submission of abstract.
Submission of Abstracts
Feb 1 2007, Submission of abstracts starts at the conference website.
Apr 1 2007, Close of submission of abstracts for consideration for 
oral presentation.
Jun 1 2007, Close of submission of abstracts.
Conference website: http://ibi.zju.edu.cn/icqg
Contact: ICQG3 from zju.edu.cn

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