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[Maize] July/August Gramene Newsletter

Claire Hebbard via maize%40net.bio.net (by cer17 from cornell.edu)
Wed Aug 15 09:09:20 EST 2007

Gramene is happy to announce the release of the July/August Gramene News.

The newsletter contains the following contents:

Panzea - The ultimate germplasm resource to date for localizing QTLs in maize!
Historical - Cornell Maize Geneticists and "The McClintock Shed"
Upcoming Outreach
Community Calendar
Recommended Reading
Gramene Tips

The newsletter is available in PDF format at 
or in web format at http://www.gramene.org/whatsnew.html

Cereal breeders and researchers: Share news about your current 
research and activities. Summarize a conference you have attended. 
Discuss how you use genomic data from Gramene. Contributions to the 
next newsletter can be submitted to cer17 from cornell.edu.

Claire Hebbard
Gramene Outreach Coordinator
G15 Bradfield Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853


ph: 607-255-4199

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