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[Maize] Frontiers in Sexual Plant Reproduction III conference announcement-2

Ravi Palanivelu via maize%40net.bio.net (by rpalanivelu from hotmail.com)
Wed Apr 9 15:35:17 EST 2008

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce an upcoming conference in the field of
plant reproductive biology, "Frontiers in Sexual Plant Reproduction
III" (http://www.cals.arizona.edu/FSPRIII), that will be held in
Tucson, Arizona on October 17-19, 2008 in the Tucson Marriott
University Park. We would like to invite you to participate in this
meeting and share your most recent research with your colleagues.
Participants are encouraged to submit an abstract and present a

***Abstracts presented before May 31, 2008 will be considered for
an oral presentation.***

Six major sessions have been planned for the conference:

Male gametophyte development and function,
Female gametophyte development and function,
Endosperm development and imprinting,
Compatible and incompatible pollen-pistil interactions,
Evolution of plant reproduction,
Systems biology of plant reproduction and emerging technologies

Preliminary program and information on registration, abstracts,
lodging and travel is posted at the FSPR III conference website:

Previous meetings in this series, FSPR I (2000) and FSPR II (2004),
were held in SUNY, Albany to review progress, discuss challenges,
debate strategies and devise effective solutions for various
unanswered questions in the field of plant reproductive biology.

These meetings were filled to capacity with many leading experts in
the field and enthusiastic partcipants. As a follow up to these highly
successful meetings, we are pleased to organize FSPR III in 2008 to
serve as an international forum to review and discuss the state of the
art in the plant sexual reproduction research, from multiple
viewpoints: classical plant physiology, molecular biology, evolution,
cell biology, biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, functional genomics
and proteomics.

We look forward to seeing you in Tucson in October 2008 for an
exciting scientific meeting on plant reproduction.


The organizers:
Dr. Ravi Palanivelu, University of Arizona (rpala... from ag.arizona.edu)
Dr. Dmitry Belostotsky, University of Missouri, Kansas City.

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