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[Maize] Plant Databases booth at PAG

Claire Hebbard via maize%40net.bio.net (by cer17 from cornell.edu)
Thu Jan 10 12:27:41 EST 2008

Schedule some time to visit Booth #318 at the PAG conference January 
13-16, 2008.

Ten plant database projects are working together to provide users 
with an opportunity to visit with them to get an introduction or to 
ask questions about using the databases. A representative from each 
database will be available for a period of time during the opening 
reception, and again during the poster sessions. Representatives will 
also be available throughout the convention as scheduled (See the 
schedule below). For more information visit the booth for the daily 
schedule, or contact your favorite databases to schedule a time to 
meet with them.

Databases that will be represented include:

MaizeGDB (www.maizegdb.org) - the community database for genetic and 
genomic information about maize and its close relatives.

Maizesequence.org - (www.maizesequence.org) provides sequence and 
annotation of the Zea mays ssp. mays genome resulting from the Maize 
Genome Sequencing Project.

Gramene (www.gramene.org) - resource for comparative genome analysis 
in plants using model genomes from rice, maize, and Arabidopsis.

TAIR  (www.arabidopsis.org)- database of genetic and molecular 
biology data for the model higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana.

GrainGenes (www.graingenes.org) - a compilation of molecular and 
phenotypic information for the Triticeae and Avena species. This 
includes wheat, barley, rye, oats, and other closely related species.

SGN (www.sgn.cornell.edu) - The SOL Genomics Network is a Clade 
Oriented Database (COD) containing genomic, genetic and taxonomic 
information for species in the Euasterid clade, including the 
families Solanaceae (e.g. tomato, potato, eggplant, pepper, petunia) 
and Rubiaceae (coffee).

PLEXdb (Plant Expression Database) (www.plexdb.org) -  a unified 
public resource for large-scale plant gene expression for comparative 
functional genomics.

VPhenoDBS (www.phenomicsworld.org) - a search engine and database for 
visually observed phenotypes of Maize mutant and diseases. It 
features query by images, query by semantics, and browsing through 
ontological structures.

SoyBase (http://soybase.org) - database of genetic, phenotypic, and 
other information about soybean.

LIS (http://comparative-legumes.org) - resource that integrates 
genetic and molecular data from multiple legume species and enables 
cross-species genomic, transcript and map comparisons.

Exhibit Booth #318

6:55-7:15	SoyBase	SGN	TAIR
7:15-7:35	PlexDB	LIS	VPhenoDB
7:35-7:55	GrainGenes	MaizeGDB
7:55-8:15	Gramene	MaizeSequence

9:30-10:45(Coffee break)	GrainGenes	MaizeSequence
10:45-11:30 BREAK
11:30-12:50 LUNCH
12:50-2:55 WORKSHOPS
3:00-3:45 (Posters)	MaizeGDB	TAIR	GrainGenes
3:45-4:30 (Posters)	SoyBase	PlexDB
4:30-5:15 (Posters)	Gramene	VPhenoDB	MaizeSequence
5:15-6:00 Posters)	LIS	SGN

9:30-10:15(Coffee @10)	SGN	MaizeGDB	PlexDB
10:15-11:00 (Coffee)	Gramene	LIS	TAIR
11-12:40 (workshops)
12:40-1:30 LUNCH
1:30 -3:00 workshops
3:00-4:00 (coffee break)	MaizeGDB	VPhenoDB	MaizeSequence
4:00- 5:40 (workshops)
5:40-6:40 (Coffee break)	SoyBase	SGN	GrainGenes

9:30-10:15	TAIR	PlexDB	VPhenoDB
10:15-11:00	SoyBase	LIS	Gramene
11-12:00 (break)
12:00-1:30 (LUNCH)

Claire Hebbard
Gramene Outreach Coordinator
G15 Bradfield Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853


ph: 607-255-4199

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