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[Maize] Pathway curator position

Pankaj Jaiswal via maize%40net.bio.net (by pj37 from cornell.edu)
Tue Nov 18 14:04:31 EST 2008

Oregon State University
Research Associate (Post Doc); immediate opening

Research Associate (Post Doc), Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, 
Oregon State University, working as a pathway database curator. 
Full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, fixed-term position.  The anticipated 
duration of the position is 3 years, but annual reappointment is at the 
discretion of the Department Head.  This position is required to develop 
a comprehensive catalog of rice and other cereal plant metabolic 
pathways and enzymes. The project expands the coverage of metabolic 
pathways from Rice to all known pathways in major cereal plants. This 
database will be used as a reference database to generate other 
organism-specific plant pathway databases such as for maize and wheat. 
The curator will be responsible for development, curation and 
maintenance of the Pathway databases on Gramene in following ways.
Required qualifications include PhD in Biochemistry, Biological 
Chemistry, Metabolomics, or related field; 2-5 years of experience 
working in wet lab research specializing in biochemical and/or 
regulatory pathways, enzyme kinetics, gene regulation; and have a 
demonstrated ability for independent and critical thinking, excellent 
communication skills in oral and written presentations in English and 
ability to work in teams.
Preferred qualifications include a demonstrated commitment to promote 
and enhance diversity; and experience with Linux and Windows operating 
system and programming in Perl, Java and HTML editing is highly desirable.
To review the position description and apply, go to posting #0003545 at 
http://oregonstate.edu/jobs.  When applying, you will be required to 
electronically submit your application, a Letter of Intent, and a 
Curriculum Vitae (including 3 references).  Closing date 12/12/08.

Oregon State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity 
Employer and has a policy of being responsive to dual-career needs.

Pankaj Jaiswal

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