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[Maize] Browse maize projects or add your own at POPcorn!

Carolyn Lawrence via maize%40net.bio.net (by triffid from iastate.edu)
Fri May 15 16:19:03 EST 2009

Maize BioNet Members,

I am writing to announce that POPcorn, the Project Portal for corn,  
has been released!  It can be accessed online at http://www.maizegdb.org/POPcorn 
  or by clicking the link to POPcorn in the left margin of MaizeGDB's  
main page.

POPcorn is an NSF-funded project (DBI #074380) ancillary to MaizeGDB  
that currently provides a searchable database of maize projects and  
resources.  During Phase 2 of development, we plan to enable  
researchers to retrieve sequence data from multiple sources with one  
query - BLASTing lots of sources from one place!

Work on POPcorn began in February of 2009. It will be released in  
three phases over two years.

	Phase 1 (current)	Provide a searchable database of maize projects and  
	Phase 2 		Provide tools for sequence-based searching of participating  
maize projects and resources. 	
	Phase 3 		Provide behind-the-scenes tools to enable projects to  
transition their data to MaizeGDB when the projects are complete. 	

Upon completion, POPcorn will become a part of MaizeGDB.

The initial set of searchable projects was released in April '09 and  
we are continuing to add projects to the searchable database.  We are  
in the process of setting up a forum for coordinating annotation  

NOTE THAT WE ARE CURRENTLY HIRING A PROGRAMMER!  Apply online at https://www.iastatejobs.com/applicants/jsp/shared/frameset/Frameset.jsp?time=1242422222540 
  before May 30!

Carolyn Lawrence (PI), Taner Sen (coPI), and Ethy Cannon (Solution/ 
Application Architect)

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