I am looking for someone to join my lab to work on a DOE
supported project on the relation between cell wall structure and
morphogenesis. The project uses the emerging model grass,
Brachypodium distachyon. Experimental approaches to be pursued
include regeneration from protoplasts and various assays of cellulose
synthesis. The position requires a Ph.D. in a relevant area of
biology and preference will be given to candidates having experience
with either cell wall biochemistry or plant tissue culture. The
Baskin lab participates actively in the University of
Massachusetts-Amherst Interdisciplinary Program in Plant Biology and
also in a new cluster of scientists on campus working on B.
distachyon. The University of Massachusetts is an Equal Opportunity
Employer and I encourage all qualified persons to apply. To apply,
please send your CV to baskin from Check for (somewhat outdated)
information about my lab and feel free to contact me for more
information. Posted August 3rd, 2010.
_ ____ __ ____
/ \ / / \ / \ \ Tobias I. Baskin
/ / / / \ \ \ Biology Department
/_ / __ /__ \ \ \__ 611 N. Pleasant St.
/ / / \ \ \ University of Massachusetts
/ / / \ \ \ Amherst, MA, 01003
/ / ___ / \ \__/ \ ____
Voice: 413 - 545 - 1533 Fax: 413 - 545 - 3243