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[Maize] postdoc open -cereal abiotic stress tolerance

Harkamal Walia via maize%40net.bio.net (by harkamal.walia from gmail.com)
Tue Aug 10 18:15:03 EST 2010

A postdoctoral position is available at University of Nebraska-Lincoln to
study abiotic stress tolerance (drought and heat stress) in cereals crops
(wheat and maize). Current work focuses on genomic, physiological and
biochemical characterization of genes involved in abiotic stress tolerance.
The candidate will use genomics approaches (microarrays, RNA-seq etc.) in
combination with high-throughput phenotyping to identify genes regulating
stress tolerance. The primary area of study will be drought stress in wheat
and maize. Additional opportunities may also be available depending on
individual=92s research interests. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Plant
Biology, Molecular Biology, or Plant Genetics, or a closely related field a=
the time hiring. The candidate must be willing to work as part of a team in
a collaborative environment. Prior experience with gene expression analysis
(microarrays, RNA-seq, statistical analysis of expression datasets, or
real-time PCR), cloning, vector construction, ChIP, transgenic and mutant
analysis is desirable. Preference will be given to candidates with evidence
of publications and strong interest in crop improvement using genetic and
functional genomics approaches. Ability to manage large-scale sequencing
data is highly desirable. This position also includes opportunities for
undergraduate mentoring. The initial appointment will be for one year and i=
renewable for up to 3 years. Salary is commensurate with experience and
qualifications. Interested candidate should apply by email to Dr. Harkamal
Walia (click the link for contact information
http://www.agronomy.unl.edu/newfacultystaff/directory/walia.html). The emai=
should include the following: (1) cover letter explaining the research
interests, (2) CV, (3) publications or in press articles, and (4) contact
information including phone numbers for 3 references.

Harkamal Walia

Assistant Professor
Department of Agronomy & Horticulture
University of Nebraska
326 Keim Hall, Lincoln, NE  68583-0915
Ph: (402) 472-1162
hwalia2 from unl.edu

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