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[Maize] The 65th Northeast Corn Improvement Conference: Registration & Call For Papers

Gossypium via maize%40net.bio.net (by gossypium from hotmail.com)
Tue Dec 14 13:44:30 EST 2010

The 65th Northeastern Corn Improvement Conference: Registration and
Call for Papers

Dear Colleagues,
Please plan to participate in the 65th Northeastern Corn Improvement
Conference on February 17-18, 2011. The conference will be held at the
University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. It will start at 8:30 am on
Thursday morning and will conclude by Noon on Friday.
Conference Registration:
Please use the following link for online registration:
You can make payment by credit card or check payable to University of
The regular registration fee has reduced from our last conference.
The fee for graduate students is low to encourage participation.
Registration fees cover continental breakfast, scheduled breaks on
both days, and lunch on Thursday.  A group dinner on Thursday night is
optional and at additional expense.
Early Registration by January 17, 2011
Regular:          $100.00
Graduate Student: $ 50.00

Late Registration (after January 17th)
Regular:          $125.00
Graduate Student: $75.00

Speaker/Paper Form:
Please plan to present your Research or Industry Update on topics
related to corn improvement and production. Presentations may include
recent developments in corn breeding, genetics, plant pathology,
entomology, agronomy, physiology, biotechnology, etc.  Please contact
Tecle Weldekidan (tecle from UDel.Edu) for a “Speaker-Paper Submission
Form” to submit the title of your presentation.
Return the form no later than January 17, 2011 to Tecle Weldekidan at
the University of Delaware.

Hotel Room Reservations and Information:
A block of rooms have been reserved at the Sleep Inn. 630 South
College Avenue Newark, DE 19713 at the following rate.
Single or Double:        $59.00 plus tax

Go to www.choicehotels.com select destination Newark, DE; check-in and
check-out date and select the rate from the down arrow menu and check
Special Rate/Corp ID and enter the special rate code 00070963.
Reservations must be made by February 1, 2011 to get the group rate.
After this date rooms may not be available at the group rate.
A final agenda will be forwarded to you a few days before the meeting.
Please share this announcement with your colleagues and graduate
students. I look forward to seeing you.

Tecle Weldekidan
Northeastern Corn Improvement Conference, Chair

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