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[Maize] Postdoctoral position in evolutionary genomics at University of California Davis

Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra via maize%40net.bio.net (by rossibarra from ucdavis.edu)
Tue Aug 23 18:28:07 EST 2011

*Postdoc in Maize Population Genomics at University of California, Davis*

A postdoctoral position in maize evolutionary genomics is available in the Ross-Ibarra lab at the University of California, Davis.  The position is available to start immediately, with the possibility of continued funding for a total of 3 years.  

The funded project will investigate parallel adaptation to high elevation environments in traditional open-pollinated maize varieties in Mexico and South America. To do this, we will be re-sequencing the complete genomes of multiple samples from both low and high elevation populations in both regions.  

Applicants should have a PhD in evolution, genetics, genomics, computational biology, or a similar discipline. Demonstrated experience with high-density SNP data or next-generation sequence data and familiarity with a unix environment and at least one programming/scripting language is highly desired. Salary will be competitive and dependent on background and experience. 

Applicants should send a cover letter, a CV with publications, and contact information for three references.  Applications or queries should be directed to rossibarra from ucdavis.edu.  

More information on the lab can be found at www.rilab.org and on UC Davis at www.ucdavis.edu.

Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra

Dept. of Plant Sciences and Genome Center
262 Robbins Hall, Mail Stop 4
University of California
One Shields Ave
Davis, CA 95616

Tel: 530-752-1152
Fax: 530-752-4604

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