**Post-doctoral position in maize drought biology**
Carnegie Institution for Science, Department of Plant Biology
A postdoctoral position will be available this fall in the Dinneny lab at the Carnegie Institution for Science, Department of Plant Biology. Our lab is interested in the mechanisms governing the response of plants to environmental stress. A position is available to study the developmental and physiological effects of drought stress on maize inflorescence architecture and root development using molecular genetic, genomic and developmental approaches. The project will be collaborative in nature and involve a team of researchers in academia and industry. I will only consider applicants who have experience in maize genetics. Additional experience in stress physiology is also of interest.
Applicants are expected to have a strong publication track record, exhibit a creative scientific approach in their work and enjoy collaborative interactions. Interested applicants should send their cover letter and CV with contact information for 3 references to José Dinneny (dinneny from stanford.edu). Please include in the cover letter a description of your research interests and career goals. The position will initially be available for 1 year with renewal of up an additional 4 years based on performance.
José R. Dinneny
Carnegie Institution for Science
Department of Plant Biology
260 Panama St.
Stanford, CA 94305
Tel. 650-739-4257