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[Maize] Online courses in bioinformatics and systems biology

Heather Vincent via maize%40net.bio.net (by heather.vincent from manchester.ac.uk)
Fri Jan 11 12:57:17 EST 2013

As the genomics revolution opens up whole new areas of research, 
biologists have access to huge amounts of data from transcriptomics, 
proteomics and metabolomics.  At the heart of these developments are 
data and knowledge – and a demand for the skills and techniques that 
computational methods can bring to these problem areas. The Life 
Sciences now provide some of the fastest growing and most challenging 
areas in which biologists and computer scientists must work together to 
apply their skills.

Our courses in Digital Biology will help you to develop the core skills 
needed to work in these new areas. You may begin by taking individual 
units, and then decide whether to progress to complete a formal 
qualification by distance learning.

The courses beginning in February 2013 include :

•    Mathematics for metabolic modelling
•    Introduction to software development in Java
•    Databases and Modelling
•    Object-oriented analysis and design with UML

In October we will be introducing a new course in Advanced sequence 

For further details of the Masters programme in Digital Biology, please 
visit our website : http://octette.cs.man.ac.uk/bioinformatics/index.html

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