A postdoctoral position is available at University of Nebraska-Lincoln to
study abiotic stress tolerance in rice. Specific focus of the project is on
drought tolerance during reproductive development stages of rice. This
project is supported by NSF. The candidate will use genomics and epigenetic
approaches (microarrays, RNA-seq etc.) to identify and characterize
candidate genes regulating drought tolerance. Applicants must have a Ph.D.
in Plant Biology, Molecular Biology, Plant Genetics, or a closely related
field at the time hiring. The candidate must be willing to work as part of
a team in a collaborative environment. Experience with RNA-seq, ChIP-seq,
NGS analysis, transgenic and mutant analysis is highly desirable.
Preference will be given to candidates with evidence of publications and
strong interest in crop improvement using genetic and functional genomics
approaches. Ability to manage large-scale sequencing data is highly
desirable. Initial appointment will be for one year and is renewable for up
to 3 years. Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications.
Interested candidate should apply by email to Dr. Harkamal Walia (click the
link for contact information http://agronomy.unl.edu/walia). The email
should include the following: (1) cover letter explaining the research
interests, (2) CV, (3) publications or in press articles, and (4) contact
information including phone numbers for at least 3 references.