Dear Colleague,
The iPlant Collaborative offers a FREE workshop on Thu, Mar 14, 2013, from 10 AM to 3 PM at the Pheasant Run Inn in St. Charles, IL. This workshop will engage you in iPlant's cyber (computer-) infrastructure for large-scale data handling, analysis and visualization through hands-on demos and guided exercises.
Visit to learn more about the workshop and a link to register. Find out more about iPlant at,
Can't make the workshop? iPlant representatives will be available for individual meetings, preferably during Maize Genetics 2013 poster sessions. Contact hilgert from to set up an appointment.
Uwe Hilgert, Ph.D.
Director, Education-Outreach-Training
BIO5 Institute & iPlant Collaborative
The University of Arizona
PO Box 210240, Tucson, AZ 85721-0240
TW Keating Bioresearch Bldg., Rm # 443
(o) 520-626-1367
(f) 520-626-4824
(e) hilgert from