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[Maize] Public Corn Breeding Meeting

Flint-Garcia, Sherry A. via maize%40net.bio.net (by flint-garcias from missouri.edu)
Thu Jan 24 12:41:15 EST 2013

Dear Maize Colleagues,

We are making efforts to more closely integrate the Public Sector Corn Breeders meeting with the Maize Genetics Conference.

A major goal of this meeting is to discuss how to more effectively integrate maize genetics research with maize breeding research in order to increase translational outputs that benefit corn growers.

We welcome those that have not attended in the past.  Participation will include graduate students, postdocs, scientists, private sector, corn growers, members of MGSC and MGEC.

The meeting is all day Wednesday March 13 and finishes at lunch time on March 14. More details on the meeting, registration and lodging are in the links below.  There is an additional attachment that I can send to you directly but cannot attach to this posting.



Please forward to others within your organization who may be interested in attending.

Feel free to email me with questions.


Sherry Flint-Garcia
USDA-ARS Research Geneticist
301 Curtis Hall
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211
Phone:  573-884-0116
FAX:  573-884-7850
email:  Sherry.Flint-Garcia from ars.usda.gov<mailto:Sherry.Flint-Garcia from ars.usda.gov>

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