The USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Plant Genetics Research Unit in Columbia, Missouri, is seeking a Research Molecular Biologist (Postdoctoral Research Associate) at GS-11 (Announcement Number RA-13-033-H), salary range $57,408.00 to $74,628.00 / Per Year. This is a Headquarters funded position and as such requires a recent PhD (within 4yrs) in plant molecular biology, genetics, plant biology or a related field of study that has equipped the applicant with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to perform the duties and responsibilities of the position. Knowledge oftransgenic technologies in plants is required. Experience with maize is highly desirable. With guidance, the researcher will evaluate the utility of transcription factor genes, previously identified as responsive to a defined water deficit in maize seedlings, to deliver novel strategies to improve drought tolerance in maize. Applications for this position will be acceptedfrom both US Citizens and Foreign Nationals who meet both Appropriations Law and Immigration Law requirements found under "Foreign Nationals Eligible for Federal Employment" at For information contact Dr. Melvin Oliver, email: Mel.oliver from Refer to for further information and complete application instructions. USDA/ARS is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Mel Oliver
Research Leader
205 Curtis Hall
University of Missouri, Columbia
Columbia, MO 65211
573-882-9645 Ph
573-884-7850 Fx
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