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[Maize] MazieGDB tutorial at Maize Meeting 2013!

Harper Lisa via maize%40net.bio.net (by ligule from berkeley.edu)
Thu Jan 31 11:51:27 EST 2013

Dear Maize Researchers,
MaizeGDB will be rolling out our new Web Interface at the Maize Meeting!  To help you get a jump start on how to use the new Interface, we are offering two, one-hour tutorials right before the meeting officially starts on Thursday, March 14th at 4 pm and 5 pm.  We will show you how to get to what you need at MaizeGDB by reviewing: 

-The new types of pages and how they work.

-Our new BLAST interface that allows you to search public maize sequence from many sources (including those not at NCBI).  

-Our new Expression data center to help you sort through the avalanche of RNAseq and other expression data sets.

-Your specific questions, and much more!

         Please contact Lisa Harper (ligule from berkeley.edu) to reserve your spot in either class!  The two sessions are duplicates, so you only need to attend one.  If you cannot attend during the offered times, you can make an appointment with Lisa during the poster session, or in the evenings. Hope to see you there! 


Lisa Harper, Ph.D.
Maize Genetics and Genomics Database
800 Buchanan St., Albany, CA 94710

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