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[Maize] Two Post-Doc Positions

Flint-Garcia, Sherry A. via maize%40net.bio.net (by flint-garcias from missouri.edu)
Mon May 13 08:43:23 EST 2013

Two post-doc positions are available with the Maize Diversity Project, one at North Carolina State University and the other at the University of Missouri.   See details below.


TITLE:                                    RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (POST DOC)

APPOINTMENT:                   100% Research

LOCATION:                          Crop Science Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

SALARY:                               $39,000 - $45,000

PROPOSED HIRE DATE:    June 1, 2013

DEADLINE FOR RECEIVING APPLICATIONS:  Will accept applications until position is filled

BASIC QUALIFICATIONS:  A Ph.D. in plant breeding or plant genetics. Experience with collection of plant phenotype data in field experiments. Knowledge of quantitative and population genetics. Knowledge of SAS or R programming. Experience with maize genetics and bioinformatics is preferred. Significant travel for data collection will be required.

POSITION RESPONSIBILITIES: A postdoctoral research associate position is immediately available at North Carolina State University in the Crop Science Department.  The researcher will conduct research on maize genetics.  Large samples of inbred and outbred maize landraces will be grown in a short daylength nursery. Each plant will be sequenced to identify parentage and inbreeding level and measured for numerous traits related to fitness. The researcher will be responsible for analysis of inbreeding depression at the gene level and testing prediction models for phenotypes.

HOW TO APPLY:  Applicants should apply online at https://jobs.ncsu.edu/postings/22808

Please contact Jim Holland (james_holland from ncsu.edu<mailto:james_holland from ncsu.edu>) for more information.

Documentation of identity and employability of the applicant will be required before the hiring process can be finalized.  NC State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion sex, age, veteran status, disability, or sexual orientation.  Individuals with disabilities desiring accommodations during the application process should contact Monica Foster at 919-513-0838.


TITLE:                                    Post-Doctoral Fellow

APPOINTMENT:                100%, full time, 12 month appointment

LOCATION:                         Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO

SALARY:                               $45,000


DEADLINE FOR RECEIVING APPLICATIONS:  Will accept applications until position is filled

BASIC QUALIFICATIONS:  A Ph.D. in plant breeding or plant genetics. Experience with collection of plant phenotype data in field experiments. Knowledge of quantitative and population genetics. Knowledge of SAS or R programming. Experience with maize genetics and bioinformatics is preferred. Significant travel for data collection will be required.

POSITION RESPONSIBILITIES: A postdoctoral research associate position is anticipated at the University of Missouri in the Division of Plant Sciences to work on the project "Biology of Rare Alleles in Maize and its Wild Relatives," as part of the NSF-funded Maize Diversity Project.  This position will focus on a synthetic population comprised of the NAM founders (88.5%) and teosinte (12.5%).  The researcher will conduct research on maize genetics.  Large samples of doubled haploid (DH), partially inbred, and outbred individuals derived from the synthetic population will be sequenced to identify parentage and inbreeding level and measured for numerous traits related to fitness and agronomic performance. The researcher will be responsible for analysis of inbreeding depression at the gene level and testing prediction models for phenotypes.

HOW TO APPLY:  Applicants should send their CV and contact information for three references to Sherry Flint-Garcia (flint-garcias from missouri.edu<mailto:flint-garcias from missouri.edu>).

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