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[Maize] Postdoctoral opportunity

mquint via maize%40net.bio.net (by marcel.quint from landw.uni-halle.de)
Fri Dec 16 04:07:40 EST 2016

TheQuint lab <https://quintlab.landw.uni-halle.de> at Halle University 
<http://www.uni-halle.de/?lang=en> (Germany) invites applications for a 
postdoctoral position to study wheat growth dynamics and signal 
transduction in response to global warming scenarios. Our group has a 
strong interest in thermomorphogenesis signaling in model and crop 
systems. The plant systems will include cultivated wheat and its wild 
progenitors as well as Arabidopsis. The project includes aspects of 
high-throughput phenotyping from seed to flowering on state-of-the-art 
LemnaTec imaging facilities (collaboration with the Leibniz Institute of 
Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK 
<http://www.ipk-gatersleben.de/en/>) Gatersleben), genome-wide 
association studies, molecular cross-species complementation of 
signaling components in Arabidopsis, and molecular evolution. With 
connected research institutions like the IPK or the Leibniz Institute of 
Plant Biochemistry (IPB <http://www.ipb-halle.de/en/>), Halle University 
has a vibrant plant research community with an outstanding research 
infrastructure. For detailed information on our group please see 

We are looking for a talented new member for our international team. The 
successful candidate is highly motivated, has a strong interest in 
understanding plant growth and signaling in response to the environment, 
and demonstrated expertise in molecular genetics in model or crop 
systems (=publication(s) in major international journal(s)). Previous 
experience with high-throughput phenotyping is an asset, but not essential.

Please send a single PDF file, including curriculum vitae, motivation 
letter, copies of most recent diplomas and contact details of 2-3 
references by e-mail to Marcel Quint (marcel.quint from landw.uni-halle.de 
<mailto:marcel.quint from landw.uni-halle.de>). The position is available for 
up to four years (2017-2020). Review of applications will begin 
immediately until the position is filled.

Marcel Quint
Crop Physiology
Institute of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Betty-Heimann-Str. 5
06120 Halle (Saale)

Tel ++49 (0)345 5522739

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