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Holesinger, Donna via maize%40net.bio.net (by DHolesinger from danforthcenter.org)
Tue Dec 20 12:16:27 EST 2016

The Second International Setaria Genetics Conference-2017
March 6-8, 2017 at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

The rapid-cycling grass Setaria viridis, and its domesticated relative Setaria italica (foxtail millet), have become a joint model system for basic studies of grass genetics, development and genomics. In 2014, the First International Setaria Genetics Conference was held in Beijing, China, with over 250 attendees to accelerate the development of these model systems. In the intervening years, numerous laboratories have begun to use Setaria as study organism, with the development of a great variety of biological and technical resources. In 2017, this growing community is invited to participate in this exciting conference. This conference will feature plenary presentations by the leading researchers in the field, plus additional talks from submitted presentations and a poster session.

Program starts at 2:00 pm on Monday, March 6.
Program ends at 12:00 noon on Wednesday, March 8.

Plenary speakers include:
Andrew Doust, Oklahoma State University
Andrea Eveland, Danforth Plant Science Center
Guanqing Jia, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science
Pu Huang, Danforth Plant Science Center
Andrew Leakey, University of Illinois
Jose Sebastian, Carnegie Institute at Stanford
Hari Upadhyaya, ICRISAT
Joyce Van Eck, Boyce Thompson Institute at Cornell University
Dan Voytas, University of Minnesota

Topics include:
Molecular genetics
Inflorescence development
C4 photosynthesis
Population genetics
Drought resistance
ICRISAT germplasm
Root development
Genome editing
Herbicide resistance
Transposable Elements
Genome rearrangement

Register at: Eventbrite
Donna Holesinger
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
Administrative Assistant/Brutnell & Meyers Labs
O: 314.587.1414 ǀ F: 314.587.1514
dholesinger from danforthcenter.org<mailto:dholesinger from danforthcenter.org>
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