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[Maize] Postdoctoral Associate for High-Throughput Plant Phenotyping

Michael Allen Gore via maize%40net.bio.net (by mag87 from cornell.edu)
Tue Dec 27 15:28:09 EST 2016

Postdoctoral Associate for High-Throughput Plant Phenotyping

Position Function
A postdoctoral associate position is available to work at the intersection of nanomaterials engineering, plant physiology, genetics, and crop modeling in the Plant Breeding and Genetics Section at Cornell University. This position involves developing, testing, and validating novel phenotyping methods and instrumentation to measure leaf water potential in maize and wheat plants. In addition, this position requires the use of statistical models to quantify and derive effective-water use traits, followed by the measurement of their time-dependent phenotypes and accompanying environmental parameters in validation experiments and larger segregating plant mapping populations. The ideal candidate will have expertise in plant molecular biology, physiology, and genetics. Responsibilities will include independent research in the development, testing, and application of novel plant phenotyping methods, collection and statistical analysis of plant physiological and genetic data, and training scientists and students. The position will involve close collaboration with a dynamic team of materials engineers, plant physiologists, quantitative geneticists, and crop modelers.

A Ph.D. in plant molecular biology, genetics, physiology or related discipline with extensive training in molecular biology and physiology. Moderate programming skills (R/Java/Python) and working knowledge of plant stress physiology and cellular processes, along with instruments and assays to measure physiological and cellular responses. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills with a strong publication record.

Preferred qualifications
A record of publication in the field of plant molecular physiology. Knowledge of plant development, physiology and molecular biology practices. Experience with analyzing next-generation sequencing data. Proficient in the generation, integration and statistical analysis of genotypic and time-course phenotypic data sets.

Supervision Exercised
The position will include some supervision of undergraduate students involved in research on the project.

How to Apply
A letter of interest in the position, C.V., and contact information for three references should be emailed to Michael Gore at: mag87 from cornell.edu<mailto:mag87 from cornell.edu>
Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

Michael Gore
Associate Professor
Plant Breeding and Genetics Section
Cornell University
310 Bradfield Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
E-mail: mag87 from cornell.edu
Vox: (607) 255-5492
Fax: (607) 255-6683

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