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[Maize] Plant Reproduction 2016 - Deadlines extended to January 18, 2016

ravipalanivelu from gmail.com via maize%40net.bio.net (by ravipalanivelu from gmail.com)
Sun Jan 3 23:38:59 EST 2016

The deadlines for early bird registration and abstracts to be considered for talks in the Plant Reproduction 2016 have been extended to January 18, 2016. 

Plant Reproduction 2016, the 24th International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction will be held at the Tucson Marriott University Park, Tucson, Arizona, USA, March 18-23, 2016. 

Conference website: http://plantreproduction2016.org 

Important Reminders: 

***1. Significant discounts are available for IASPRR members. The early-bird registration fees includes most of the meals and the dinner banquet in the beautiful Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum (https://www.desertmuseum.org/). 

2. Abstract submission: In each of the 9 sessions, 4/9 talks will be selected from the submitted abstracts.*** 
An exciting program is in store for Plant Reproduction 2016, encompassing 9 non-overlapping sessions, allowing all attendees to attend all sessions. Research in many model organisms are represented: 
Floral Induction and Floral Organ Development 
Sporogenesis, Meiosis & Apomixis 
Pollen-Pistil Interactions 
Gametophyte Interactions and Fertilization 
Endosperm Development 
Regulation of parental genome expression 
Fruit & Seed Development 
For additional details, please visit the conference website: http://plantreproduction2016.org 
Organizing Committee 
Plant Reproduction 2016 

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