Important reminders for Plant Reproduction 2016 conference:
1. The deadline for submitted abstracts to be considered for an oral presentation is January 18, 2016. In each of the 9 sessions, 4/9 talks will be selected from the submitted abstracts. Abstracts can be submitted past the deadline for a poster presentation; however, they will not be considered for oral presentations.
Link to submit abstract:
2. Early-bird registration deadline is January 18, 2016. Deeply discounted rates are available for early-bird, IASPRR members. The registration fees includes most of the meals and the dinner banquet in the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum ( Graduate students and post docs who register and submit an abstract are eligible to compete for a limited number of registration awards.
Link to register:
3. The conference will take place in Tucson Marriott University park. Lodging (hotel rooms) is also available in the same venue.
Link to reserve lodging:
Plant Reproduction 2016
March 18-23, 2016, Tucson, Arizona
Organizing Committee:
Alice Cheung (Univ. Mass., Amherst)
Gary Drews (Univ. Utah)
Anja Geitmann (McGill Uni.)
Mark Johnson (Brown Univ.)
Ravi Palanivelu (Univ. Arizona), Co-Chair
Karen Schumaker (Univ. Arizona)
Ramin Yadegari (Univ. Arizona), Co-Chair