Dear colleagues,
We invite applications for a Phd student position to study barley growth
dynamics and signal transduction in response to global warming
scenarios. Our group has a strong interest in thermomorphogenesis
signaling in model and crop systems. The plant systems will include
cultivated and wild barley as well as Arabidopsis. The position is part
of the graduate school ‘Determinants of Plant Performance’. We are
looking for a talented new member for our international team. The
successful candidate has a degree in Biology, Biochemistry, Agricultural
Sciences or related subjects, is highly motivated, and has a strong
interest in understanding plant growth and signaling in response to the
environment. Experience in molecular genetics is an asset. International
applicants are especially encouraged.
The full job ad can be found here:
For information about our lab, please visit the lab’s website @ <>
I would appreciate if you would encourage interested students to apply
contact me (marcel.quint from
<mailto:marcel.quint from>) or apply directly. The
starting date is negotiable, but the position is available immediately
for four years (2017-2020). Salary is based on a graduate school
fellowship (1.500 € per month). Review of applications will begin
immediately until the position is filled.
Best wishes,
Marcel Quint
Professor of Crop Physiology
Institute of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Betty-Heimann-Str. 5
06120 Halle (Saale)
Tel ++49 (0)345 5522739
Marcel Quint
Crop Physiology
Institute of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Betty-Heimann-Str. 5
06120 Halle (Saale)
Tel ++49 (0)345 5522739