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[Maize] Plant Transformation Facility Manager Position Open

Becraft, Philip W [GDCBA] via maize%40net.bio.net (by becraft from iastate.edu)
Wed Feb 7 12:13:05 EST 2018

A position is available for Manager of the Iowa State University Plant Transformation Facility. As you are aware, this facility has been instrumental in advancing maize genetics research so please help ISU identify highly qualified candidates who will ensure continued excellence in service to our community. A description of job responsibilities is copied below, and the official job posting can be found at the following link: https://www.iastatejobs.com/postings/31324 .
Thank you,

Philip W. Becraft
Genetics, Development & Cell Biology Dept.
      Agronomy Dept.
2116 Molecular Biology Bldg.
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-1079

You are invited to submit a manuscript containing original research or a review to a Special Issue of Agronomy, "Organ and Tissue Development in Crop Domestication and Performance"<http://www.mdpi.com/journal/agronomy/special_issues/Crop_Domestication_and_Performance>.   Agronomy<http://www.mdpi.com/journal/agronomy> is an open-access, indexed journal. Submission deadline for the special issue is September 30, 2018

Plant Transformation Facility Manager

Summary of Duties and Responsibilities

The Office of Biotechnology at Iowa State University seeks an Associate Scientist to Manage the Plant Transformation Facility. The Office of Biotechnology facilitates and advances programs in research, education, and outreach that contribute to the goals of Iowa State University's Strategic Plan in the area of Biotechnology.

The Manager of the Plant Transformation Facility (PTF) is responsible for production oversight for the maize, soybean, and rice plant genetic transformation services of the Iowa State University PTF, a core user- facility for ISU and non-ISU plant researchers. The incumbent manages the implementation of scientific and production aspects for multiple transgenic maize, soybean, and rice production pipelines and products, including customer communications, production research and experimental design, work flow optimization, and hiring and supervision of P&S staff and student employees needed to accomplish these tasks. The incumbent is responsible for hiring, evaluating the performance, and supervision of the four Assistant Scientists and one Research Associate for of the PTF. The incumbent oversees all internal business aspects of the facility, including budget development, participating in price (rate) structure determination for facility services, accounting, and client billing. The manager's customer relations duties include addressing client concerns and providing consultation to clients. The incumbent's scholarly duties include co-authoring patents; serving as co-principal investigator on researchers' grants; and writing and co-authoring manuscripts, book chapters, and research reports for granting agencies. The incumbent is responsible for training and mentoring students and visiting scientists in transformation technology and research and for developing content, planning, and teaching plant transformation technique courses and workshops, as requested.

The successful candidate will have superior organization skills in order to manage multiple, interrelated tasks. The candidate will also possess skills to communicate and work effectively with researchers at all levels (both on- and off-campus) and equipment service personnel. They will have a meticulous attention to detail, and the ability to think autonomously, critically, and creatively. They also shall have the ability to learn new skills as the technologies advance.

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