Please see below for two available faculty positions.
*Faculty Positions in Agricultural Genomics*
The National Laboratory of Genomics for Biodiversity of Mexico (Langebio)
is a Unit of the “Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados”
(CINVESTAV), a Federal Government Institution devoted to basic and applied
research. Langebio’s mission is to conduct top-ranked research and graduate
education, while promoting genomic knowledge for the protection and
sustainable use of Mexican biodiversity. An international team of
scientists conducts research at Langebio, with an emphasis on collaboration
and multidisciplinary studies. Langebio is located on the Irapuato campus
of CINVESTAV. One of the primary focuses of the CINVESTAV Irapuato campus
is plant biology and agricultural research.
Langebio is seeking to recruit up to two faculty members in Agricultural
Genomics. Appointments can be made at the equivalent of assistant,
associate or full professor level. Candidates should have a strong
background in quantitative genetics, making full use of genomics-enabled
approaches. Successful candidates will continue or develop an
internationally recognized program in crop genome research, combining
fundamental study and education with application to plant breeding and
agronomy. Applicants with experience in field-based evaluation of plant
materials are strongly encouraged. Appointees will have the opportunity to
further develop genetic and genomic resources available at Langebio. These
include existing mapping populations and diversity panels for crops and
other plant species, as well as the results of ongoing large scale genome
sequencing initiatives. In addition to establishing a research laboratory
at Langebio, it is anticipated that a successful applicant will build links
with public and private sector breeding programs, both in Mexico and
internationally. Candidates proposing to work with Mexico’s rich diversity
of native crops are particularly welcome.
Criteria for consideration of candidates:
Ph.D. or equivalent in plant sciences, genetics, agronomy, or related
field. A record of excellence in research. Potential to establish a
competitively-funded research program. Ability to teach an M.Sc. level
class in quantitative genetics, plant breeding, bioinformatics or a related
Applicants should send a CV, PDFs of their 3 most important publications,
and a three-page description of their scientific accomplishments and
proposed research program. Applicants should arrange for three reference
letters to be sent separately.
Review of applications will begin March 1, 2019 and continue until the
positions are filled. Please send applications to the attention of Dr.
Alfredo Herrera-Estrella, Director, Langebio-CINVESTAV, Irapuato,
Guanajuato, MEXICO, E-mail: ximena.osorio from cinvestav.mx