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Molscript help needed desperately!

dirk dirk at whitesws.mc.duke.edu
Thu Aug 4 12:53:36 EST 1994

I'm tring to use the MOLSCRIPT program to plot out a helix from a
structure and I would like to have the backbone of the helix as a coil
and show !!only!! the side-chains as ball-and-stick models. 
Unfortunately, I have only the manual (or should I say pamphlet) and no
examples.  I've figured out
how to draw the coil portion of the diagram, but I can't seem to puzzle
MS's bizarre selection critieria for the ball-and-stick portion.  My
scripts either won't run or draw ball-and-sticks of the entire main-
and side-chains.  Can anyone out there give me some advice?  Thanks!

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