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Protein structure from scratch?

Frank van de Loo FJVAND00 at ukcc.uky.edu
Fri Aug 5 07:00:24 EST 1994

Dear Modelers,
This may be laughable, but I need to know.  Can one construct a model protein
structure from scratch?  If one has a protein of a few hundred amino acids
length and various types of data (homology, site-directed mutagenesis,
photolabelling, etc), and can come up with a hypothetical super-secondary or
tertiary structure on paper for most or part of it, is it possible to constuct
the model in a program that can then display it and be used for further
refinement?  I have been trying to do this in Hyperchem, with much frustration
since I can't fold the polypeptide about very well once I've made it.  Is there
a way, or am I just trying to do something impossible?  All advice greatly
Frank van de Loo
USDA/ARS, University of Kentucky.

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