In answer to a previous posting here:
I found the following on one of the gopher pages from brookhaven
CD-ROM Information
PDB releases are available on CD-ROM in ISO 9660 format.
The layout of files on the CD-ROM mirrors the PDB UNIX tape
distribution and uses the aa, ab, ac, ..., zz subdirectories. The
entry files are ASCII format and are readable by software able to
process text files.
PDB-Shell, a facility for Windows users to access and display
structures from the PDB database, is available on our CD-ROM.
PDB-Shell allows the user to search the database for various cri-
teria such as ident code, accession date, compound name and
author (see article on page 7 on the latest PDB-Shell update).
The PDB CD-ROM also includes the MAGE and PREKIN struc-
ture display and manipulation software by David Richardson and
Jane Richardson of Duke University [The Kinemage: A Tool for
Scientific Communication. Protein Science 1, 3-9 (1992)] in both
Windows and Macintosh versions.
To Contact PDB
Protein Data Bank
Chemistry Department, Building 555
Brookhaven National Laboratory
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
Telephone: +1 516-282-3629
Facsimile: +1 516-282-5751
e-mail: pdb at bnl.bitnet
or pdb at
Please include your telephone number, facsimile number,
mailing address and e-mail address in all correspondence.
The last time I saw a price for this CD it was $288 (Oct.'93 newsletter)
Douglas W. Johnson--Lilly Research Labs--Indianapolis, IN 46285-1513
dwj at
-------------not speaking on behalf of Eli Lilly and Co.-------------