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Anne-Marie Corbisier Corbisier at mbla.ucl.ac.be
Thu Feb 1 02:44:26 EST 1996

On behalf of the Bioenergetics group of the
International Union of Biochemistry
International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics,
the Belgian Bioenergeticists have
the pleasure of inviting you to




AUGUST 17 - 22, 1996


	A.-M. Colson, Louvain-la-Neuve (chairman)
F.E. Sluse, Liège (secretary)
A. Goffeau, Louvain-la-Neuve
C. Duyckaerts, Liège (treasurer)
C.M. Sluse-Goffart, Liège

W.N. Konings, Groningen
B.A. Melandri, Bologna
P. Rich, Bodmin
R. Serrano, Valencia
A. Vinogradov, Moscow
H. Weiss, Dusseldorf
M. Wikström, Helsinki

AND SUPPORT	Belgian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Belgian Society of Cellular Biology
Belgian Society of Biophysics
Université de Liège
Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve)

PROGRAMME	The conference will have the following outline :
1. Each morning there will be 2 Symposia including 3 to 4 
    Lectures each.
2. The afternoon will start with Poster Presentations.
3. In the late afternoon there will be 2 Open Colloquia in parallel

TOPICS	Symposia will be organized into 10 topics :
  1. Cytochrome c oxidase
  2. F0F1 ATPsynthase structure and function
  3. Archaebacteria, extremophiles and cyanobacteria
  4. Plant mitochondria
  5. Cytochrome bc1 complex
  6. Light driven and photosystems
  7. Calcium ATPase
  8. Ion transports in mitochondria
  9. Channels and permeability transitions
10. Mitochondria in deseases and aging
Open colloquia will be structured within 8 topics selected from the 
welcome proposals of leader personnalities who will chair their 
As example, topics such as
     1. Mitochondria in cell death
     2. Mitochondria in Ca2+ homeostasis
     3. Mitochondrial compartmentation and channeling
could be selected by the organizer after propositions.
Potential chairmans of colloquia are warmly invited to send their 
proposals (title + programmes including names of participants)  to the 
secretary as soon as possible.
The Open Colloquia topics should have some current controversies that 
would benefit from such discussion. Open colloquium titles, chairmen and 
speakers will appear in the final programme. For further informations 
contact the Secretary.

OF SPEAKERS	Ames, B. (Berkeley)                 Krulwich, T.A. (New York)
Bernardi, P. (Padova)               Link, T. (Frankfurt)
Boyer, P. (Los Angeles)           Linnane, W. (Clayton)
Brandt, U. (Frankfurt)              Mac Lennan, D. (Toronto)
Breton, J. (Gif-sur-Yvette)       MacIntosh, L. (East Lansing)
Caterall, W. (Seattle)                Michel, H. (Frankfurt)
Coqdell, R. (Glasgow)              Palmieri, F. (Bari)
Daldal, F. (Philadelphia)          Pedersen, P. (Baltimore)
Day, D. (Canberra)                   Peschek, G.A. (Wiena)
de Meis, L. (Rio de Janeiro)     Rich, P. (Bodmin)
Douglas, M. (Chapel Hill)        Saraste, P. (Heidelberg)
Fillingame, R. (Madison)         Schäfer, G. (Lübeck)
Fromme, P. (Berlin)                 Stokes, D. (Charlottesville)
Garlid, K.D. (Portland)            Walker, J. (Cambridge)
Gennis, R.B. (Urbana)             Wallace, D. (Atlanta)
Glaser, E. (Stockholm)             Wikström, M. (Helsinki)
Heldt, H. (Göttingen)               Yoshikawa, S. (Hyogo)
Kopito, R. (Stanford)               Yu, Chang-An (Still Water)


LANGUAGE	The official language of the conference will be English. There 
will be no translation facilities.

VENUE	The conference will be held in the "Catholic University of Louvain 
at Louvain-la-Neuve".
The Université catholique de Louvain was established on December 9, 1425, 
by a papal bull issued by Pope Martin V.
The University was abolished in 1797 as a result of the French occupation, 
and was forced to remain closed until 1817 when it reopened as a state 
Following the foundation of the Kingdom of Belgium in 1830, the "Free" 
Catholic University was reestablished, first in Malines in 1834, and the 
following year in Louvain.
The University split along language lines as a result of political 
turnmoil in the late 1960s. A law recognizing separate Flemish-speaking 
and French-speaking universities was passed in 1970.
The former remained in Louvain, while the latter moved to a new location 
on the outskirts of Ottignies.
This new campus became the town of Louvain-la-Neuve.
Between 1972 and 1979, nine faculties gradually moved to Louvain-la-Neuve.
The Faculty of Medicine chose to move to Woluwe-Saint-Lambert in Brussels, 
an area now known as "Louvain-en-Woluwe".

TIME TABLE	Saturday, August 17 :
Afternoon :          14.00 h. Registration
                             18.00 h. Inaugural Lecture
                             19.00 h. Welcome Reception
Sunday, August 18 :
Morning :             Symposia 1 and 2
Afternoon :           Posters, Colloquia 1 and 2
Monday, August 19 :
Morning :             Symposia 3 and 4
Afternoon :           Posters, Colloquia 3 and 4
Tuesday, August 20 :
Morning :             Symposia 5 and 6
Afternoon :           Posters, Colloquia 5 and 6
Wednesday, August 21 :
Morning :            Symposia 7 and 8
Afternoon :          Posters, Colloquium 7 and 8
17.30 h. :             Peter Mitchell medal Lecture
19.30 h. :             Gala Dinner
Thursday, August 22 :
Morning :            Symposia 9 and 10
                            End of the Conference

INFORMATION	Extended abstracts of the lectures (up to 4 printed pages) 
will be referred and published in a special issue of Biochimica et 
Biophysica Acta in the section of Bioenergetics. The Conference Abstract 
Book (EBEC Reports, Vol. 9) will comprise all Poster abstracts as well as 
the extended abstracts.
Instructions and forms for Poster Abstract or for Extended Abstract 
(lecturers only) are enclosed in this mailing. Abstracts (along with 3 
photocopies) must be returned before March 1, 1996 to the secretary 
together with registration form and payment.

FACILITIES	Overhead projectors and slide projectors for standard 50x50 mm 
(outside frame) slides are available in lecture halls (single projection 
only). Requests for other projection facilities should reach the 
secretariat 2 months in advance.

PRESENTATION	Ample time for Poster Presentation is scheduled in the 
afternoon. Poster boards are 100 x 100 cm. Material for mounting will be 
provided. Posters should include a title, research institution, short 
introduction, summary of results and conclusion. The lettering and graphs 
should be readable from a distance of one meter. Only one poster per 
active participant can be presented.

MEETINGS	Immediately after the EBEC Conference, the International Study 
Group for BioThermokinetics will held its 7th BTK Workshop in the same 
meeting site of the Louvain-la-Neuve University :
Registration on August 22
Scientific programme : August 23 to 25
Second announcement and informations :
Dr. H.V. Westerhoff (Secretary)
Faculty of Biology, Free University
De Boelelaan 1087
NL-1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
FAX : 31 02 4447229
E-MAIL : HW at Bio.VU.NL
Dr. F.E. Sluse (Chairman)
Université de Liège, Faculté des Sciences
Laboratoire de Bioénergétique
Institut de Chimie B6, Sart-Tilman
B-4000 Liège
FAX : 32 41 66 28 78
E-MAIL : bertran at gw.unipc.ulg.ac.be

INFORMATION	The Catholic University of Louvain at Louvain-la-Neuve is 
located 30 km from Brussels. How to get to Louvain-la-Neuve :
- By air
fly to Brussels National Airport (Zaventem) :
Brussels National Airport (Zaventem) is linked to Brussels (Central 
Station) by a train service :departures approximately every 20 minutes, 
from ± 6 a.m. to ± 10 p.m. Then participants should take a train from 
Central Station to Louvain-la-Neuve. A taxi from the airport to 
Louvain-la-Neuve costs approximately 2,300 BF.
- By train
from one of the railway stations :
Ask for a ticket to "Louvain-la-Neuve-University" and take the Brussels 
Ottignies-Namur-Luxembourg line (trains every half hour). Get off at 
Ottignies and continue to Louvain-la-Neuve by train or by taxi (cost 
approximately 400 BF).
- By car
from Brussels :
Take the E411 motorway towards Namur, Luxembourg
Take exit 7 marked "Louvain-la-Neuve"
Follow the motorway slip road and turn right on to N4
After 2,5 km, turn right off the N4
- at the first traffic lights direction Hocaille, Lauzelle or Blocry
- at the second traffic lights direction town centre (centre urbain)
- at the third traffic lights direction Biéreau or Bruyères.
from Namur :
Take the E411 motorway towards Brussels
Take exit 9 marked "Corroy-le-Grand/Louvain-la-Neuve"
Turn left towards the N4
When you reach the N4 turn right on to it
Turn left off the N4
- at the first traffic lights direction Biéreau or Bruyères
- at the second traffic lights direction town centre (centre urbain)
- at the third traffic lights direction Hocaille, Lauzelle or Blocry.

IMMIGRATION	Participants requiring a visum for entry into Belgium are 
strongly advised to apply in their home countries at least two months 
before the intended date of travel. Visa applications might be facilitated 
by including a copy of the registration confirmation. All participants 
will be sent such a confirmation once their final registration and payment 
have been received by the secretariat.

CAR PARKING	Participants planning to rent a car can do so at the Airport.
Sufficient parking space (free of charge) is available at the conference 

COSTS	  Received         Received           Received
  by March 1*    by May 31        later

Regular participant         BEF 15.000     BEF 15.000      BEF   20.000
Accompanying person    BEF   7.500     BEF   7.500      BEF  10.000

The registration fee for a regular participant covers the special BBA 
issue with lecture reports, the abstract book (EBEC reports, Vol. 9), 
Welcome Reception, coffee or tea during the official session breaks and a 
package of meal tickets (5 lunches). Accompanying persons will not receive 
the printed material. Regular participants and accompanying persons are 
intitled to purchase ticket for the conference Banquet (1.500 BF). Such 
ticket will be refunded to those unable to attend the Conference if 
returned before August 15.
*Deadline for poster abstracts and extended abstracts.

PERSONS	There are no excursions especially scheduled. Public transport 
allows independent travel at almost any time to several cities as 
Brussels, Liège, Bruges, etc.

SOCIAL PROGRAMME	The following scheduled activities of the social 
programme are :
Saturday evening : Informal Welcome Party (covered by registration fee)
Wednesday evening : Conference Banquet (ticket : 1.500 BEF).

DRESS	The weather in Belgium is usually pleasant at the end of August 
(18-25 °C), although an occasional rain shower cannot be excluded. Formal 
dress is not required during the meeting or social events.

LIABILITY	By registering for the 9th European Bioenergetics Conference 
participants agree that neither the National Organizing Committee nor the 
University of Louvain-la-Neuve assume any liability whatsoever.

PAYMENTS	Participants are requested to complete the enclosed registration 
form and return it to the Secretariat before March 1, 1996 together with 
abstract to :
Dr. F.E. Sluse
EBEC 96 Secretariat
Laboratory of Bioenergetics
Institut de Chimie (B6) au Sart-Tilman
B-4000 Liege
Each participant should use a separate form ; please make a photocopy if 
Payments in Belgian Francs (BEF) of the registration fee should be made 
with a Bank draft payable to :
Générale de Banque
Siège de Liège, Agence du Sart-Tilman
Rue du Sart-Tilman, 375
B-4031 Liège
The bank draft must be attached to the registration form in order to 
validate the registration.
Payments can also be made by a bank-to-bank money transfer in Belgian 
Francs (BEF) to the account of :
Bank account n° 240-0777679-34
Générale de Banque
Siège de Liège, Agence du Sart-Tilman
Rue du sart-Tilman, 375
B-4031 Liège
A copy of the bank order must be enclosed with the registration form in 
order to validate the registration.
Please note :
- personal cheques and Credit Card cannot be accepted
- validation of registration by the payment proofs is required in order to 
facilitate the work of the conference secretariat and to receive 
confirmation of registration
- registration cost rise will be strictly enforced by the conference 
secretariat, important dates : before March 1, before May 31 and later May 

CANCELLATION AND REFUNDS	Notification of cancellation should be sent to 
the secretariat. Policy regarding refund of registration fee upon 
cancellation : written cancellation received :
- before March 1 : 90 % refund
- before May 31 :  50 % refund
- later than May 31 : no refund
Refunds will be made at the end of September 1996 to the bank account 
specified by the participant. In case of cancellation after March 1, a 
copy of the Abstract Book and the Final Programme will be sent by surface 

GRANTS FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS	The organizers may be able to provide a 
limited number of grants which are intended to facilitate participation of 
young bioenergeticists (graduate students) who have registered as regular 
participant (poster presentation). Applications, including a short 
curriculum vitae (one page) and a copy of the applicant's poster abstract, 
must be sent to the Conference Secretariat together with registration form 
before March 1, 1996. Decisions about the grants will be made immediately 
after that date and the successful candidates will be informed by May 31, 
1996. The grants will be paid in cash at the Conference and will cover 
registration fee plus basic accomodation. Unsuccessful candidates unable 
to attend the Conference will be 100 % refund if written cancellation is 
received before June 15, 1996.

ACCOMODATION	The Conference Secretariat has selected several hotels and 
student residences. Since the number of rooms is limited, they will be 
assigned on first-come first-served basis. Those who want to share a room 
should make arrangements with their roommates (please indicate the 
roommate's name in the registration form), otherwise the Conference 
Secretariat will make the distribution of room partners. Once confirmation 
of hotel reservation has been made, changes should be arranged directly 
with the hotel.
Rooms for the participants are available in the following hotels :
Hotel de Lauzelle
Address : Avenue de Lauzelle 61
                B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
                Phone  (32 10) 450 751 - Fax (32 10) 450 911
Rates per night : single room 2.400 BEF, double room 2.900 BEF
Price in Belgian Francs, breakfast, services and VTA included.
Hotel Le Rocher
Address : Chaussée de Namur 221
                B-1300 Wavre, Belgium
                Phone (32 10) 45 41 44 - Fax (32 10) 41 97 33
Rates per night : single room 2.600 BEF, double room 2.850 BEF
Price in Belgian Francs, breakfast, services and VTA included.
This hotel is situated at 4 km from Louvain-la-Neuve.
Address : Rue de la Wastinner
                B-1300 Wavre, Belgium
                Phone (32 10) 41 13 63- Fax (32 10) 41 19 22
Rates per night : single room or double room 2.600 BEF
Price in Belgian Francs, breakfast, services and VTA included.
This hotel is situated at 5 km from Louvain-la-Neuve.
Student residences : on Campus
Single room : 1.000 BEF, breakfast not included.
Contact Address : Mrs D. Pelegrin
Halles Universitaires, Place de l'Université
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Phone  (32 10) 47 81 04 - Fax (32 10) 47 25 31


DATES	1 March 1996 : - Deadline for submission of manuscripts for invited 
                          - Deadline for abstract submission, 
                            Deadline for application grants for young 
                          - Deadline for cancellation with 90 % refund.
31 May 1996 :   - Deadline for registration at low price.
                          - Deadline for cancellation with 50 % refund.

CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT	Please use the following address for correspondence 
Dr. F.E. Sluse
Secretary 9th EBEC
Laboratory of Bioenergetics, ULg
Institut de Chimie (B6) au Sart-Tilman
B-4000 Liege
Fax : (32) 41 66 28 78
E-mail : bertran at gw.unipc.ulg.ac.be

Place des Sciences 1
Auditoire Sc 10
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

BANK ACCOUNT	Bank account n° 240-0777679-34
Générale de Banque
Siège de Liège, Agence du Sart-Tilman
Rue du sart-Tilman, 375
B-4031 Liège

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