On 23 Jan 1996, A.Pregueiro wrote:
> Can anyone help me find the original paper of Watson and Crick's on the
> DNA doublre Helix.
> I've used several search engines to look for it on the web, but I can't
> seem to find it!
Why limit yourself to the Web? Maybe nobody have put it there (yet ;-).
There are much more chanses to find the paper in the library. The
reference is: Nature, April 25 1953, p. 737.
Good luck,
Lev Gorenstein
Dept. of Chemistry, Purdue University *~~~~ ____ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
W.Lafayette, IN 47907, USA Y_,___|[]| | Go Boilers! |
(317)494-9150; Fax (317)494-0239 {|_|_|_|PU|_,_|_____________|
lev at chem.purdue.edu //oo---OO=OO OOO OOO