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Adjust RasMol fontsize?

James Bassuk bassuk at u.washington.edu
Tue Jan 30 00:18:30 EST 1996

RasMol v2.6 for Windows is the topic here, specifically the fontsize
of the Command Line window.  It is toooooo small, maybe a 4 pt at best.
This only occurs when the operating system is Win95.  There is no probelm
with WWG3.11.

The only command that I have found for fontsize is for Labels, and this is
not what I mean.

I've increased fontsize from Win95/Control Panel/Display/Appearance and the
result is an increased size in that specified field.  But the RasMol command
line summary font doesn't budge.

I also can't find a RasMol.ini file, but I know that there should be one.
Instead, there is alot of code to sift through.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,



   Jim Bassuk, Ph.D.
   Dept. Biological Structure, Univ. of Washington
   NetworkAddress:  Bassuk at U.Washington.Edu  

   'Did I say what I meant or did I mean what I said?'


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