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correlated mutations

Lluis Ribas lluis at aaRS
Wed Jan 31 13:35:07 EST 1996

Aare Abroi (aabroi at tamm.eenet.ee) wrote:

: Hallo !

: I have a question about correlated mutations. For example is it possible to
: find amino-acids which are involved in receptor-ligand interaction by
: analyzing receptor and ligand protein families  (I mean the some receptor or
: ligand sequences from different organisms). The complementary surfaces may
: by mirrored in correlated mutations in sequences. If there are some programs
: which do this work could you please let me know.

 Alfonso Valencia, now in Madrid, wrote a program to sort out correlated
 mutations. Although it is not optimized to search for correlations
 between two different proteins I have actually used it to do exactly
 this by appending one sequence to the other.

 You can get to his home page through the page of the Sander group, in
  EMBL (http://embl.heidelberg.de, I think).

                        Good luck, Lluis

: --
:        Aare Abroi                 Estonian Biocentre 
:      aabroi at ebc.ee                    Riia 23
:   tel. +372 7 420 223              Tartu, EE2400
:   fax: +372 7 420 286                 Estonia


          Lluis Ribas de Pouplana, Dept. of Biology, MIT
   e-mail: lluis at aars.mit.edu  www: http://minihelix.mit.edu/lluis

    *  Pixo a l'abisme,		  *  Latin is the essence,      *
    *  al fons la mar blava, 	  *  French the idea,		*
    *  alli el cap de Bagur,	  *  Spanish the fire,		*
    *  aqui el cap de la fava.    *  Italian the air,		*
    *           		  *  Catalan the earth,		*
    *                 		  *  and Portuguese the water.	*
    *				  *				*
    *  Josep Maria de Sagarra     *  Cees Nooteboom		*

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